Memory Test


1. Are you unable to memories name & numbers
2. Difficulty in memorizing & recalling at the time of examination even after putting efforts.
3. Forgets answers/formulas during the examinations
4. Often forget day to day activity like paying bills, routes, important tasks etc.
Test your & your child’s memory with help of memory test at “Our Brain Our Life”
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Christmas is a time to spread happiness in society ,exchange gifts ,sweets ,chocolate & cakes .Be the Santa of someone’s life to help him/her to achieve the happiness, success ,good health &full fill the desires  in life. #MerryChristmas

Building your child’s people skills:


“Young people spend so much time on devices that they aren’t learning basic human-contact skills,” says Gary W. Small, M.D., professor of psychiatry and bio behavioral sciences at UCLA.
Certainly, there are numerous upsides to electronics. Many children forge friendships while playing interactive games. Shy children may find it easier to text acquaintances than to talk on the phone. You can talk to a person sitting 1000 miles away through skype & video calls. Still, the irony is undeniable. “These children will be the most connected generation in history, but they may not know how to talk to someone standing right next to them.
The most important factor in gaining influence and achieving success is developing people skills. Yet, nowhere in the formal education system — from kindergarten through college — are people skills taught, even though nearly all of us use our people skills every day.
• Sharing
• Giving feedback
• Accepting differences
• Respecting others’ rights and property
• Identifying others’ feelings
• Seeing things from others’ perspective
• Making eye contact
• Managing negative emotions
• Listening
• Not interrupting
• Resolving conflicts
• Disagreeing respectfully
• Cooperating
• Helping others
• Complimenting others
• Being polite
• Asking for help
Above mentioned are the some people skill which help the child to develop the emotional intelligence & make them a responsible person .

A nap for “good health”

#nap for your good #Health and #Growth
In this hectic and stressful life sleeping disorder is a common problem faced by everyone.#Insomnia – Persistent problems falling and staying asleep,#narcolepsy– A chronic sleep disorder that causes overwhelming daytime drowsiness are the common sleeping disorders. Sleep is the process in which humans and other animals periodically rest, with greater or lesser degrees of unconsciousness and decreased responsiveness to the surrounding world. People are now sleeping less than they did in the past, and sleep quality has decreased as well. When we sleep, our bodies rest – conserving energy and decreasing blood pressure, heart rate, breathing and body temperature. At the same time, our brains remain active – laying down memory, restoring daytime mental functioning and carrying out processes that lead to physical growth.
Lack Of sleep can cause:
1. Poor Sleep Can Make You Fat
2. Good Sleepers Tend to Eat Fewer Calories
3. Good Sleep Can Improve Concentration and Productivity
4. Poor Sleepers Have a Greater Risk of Heart Disease and Stroke
5. Sleep Affects Glucose Metabolism and Type 2 Diabetes Risk
6. Poor Sleep Is Linked to Depression
7. Sleep Improves Your Immune Function
If we can regularize our sleeping pattern we can stay healthy and grow in life .Stressful life can directly linked with the sleeping disorders. Few tips to improve sleep:
1. Stop drinking caffeine after 2 pm
2. Put your devices-phone, laptop, tablets down.

Avoid unnecessary scolding to your child

Parenting is an art learn with “our brain our life”:
Scolding and pampering your child should go in hand in hand. Over pampering or over scolding might affect your child badly, so parents should always know that when to scold or when to pamper. In this articles we should focus on the impact of scolding:
How much should one scold the child? When does scolding become excessive? Most parents think that scolding is the right way to correct the wayward behavior. We must remember that children are quite different from adults .Children are the great imitator ,for example if you shout at them ,they will shout back, therefore unnecessary scolding will do more harm than benefits. Now what is the right way to tackle this issue?
Be aware of the consequences of scolding:
Scolding your child harshly can hurt him beyond the comprehension. Every child has his own emotions, some express them while other don’t .Understand your child and his sensitiveness.
Avoid Over reacting:
Over reacting is very common and natural with the parents . If child is not behaving properly or not performing well in studies parents over react ,rather they should understand the child capabilities or should put efforts to know what exactly is the problem and then try to find the solution of that problem.
Be communicative:
Always communicate with your child positive manner. Over scolding or yelling at child can cause him /her to withdraw the parents .Child start hiding their emotions, problems from the parents .That can cause a big problem in future