No, both are different. Psychological problems are related to mind, while Psychiatric problems are related solely with brain; it occurs due to certain disbalance inside the brain. If you consider your brain as the hardware, then the mind is the software.

No, only intelligent people go to a therapist to sparkle their mind. We help people to sharpen their mind power.

Whenever you feel that you are not growing in life due to certain disturbances in mind, you should consult a therapist. Counselling and therapy will calm your mind and help you to grow in life.

Any problem starts with the mind. As for example, when we consult a doctor for blood pressure irregularity, he would say – because of tension, your B.P. is high or low. He accordingly prescribes medicine and tries to control the problem. However, the root cause of B.P, i.e. “tension” still remains untreated.

Problems start at a logical level, known as the “conscious mind”. Then it, later, converts into emotion and our subconscious mind accepts them very deeply. And then we feel depression tension, hypertension etc. A therapist can help you to remove such an impactful emotion from your subconscious mind.

Yes, it is.
As we have already said, every problem starts from the mind. The problems we suffer can be categorized into three types.

  • Physical; like weight gain, weakness etc.
  • Mental; such as depression, anger, stress, anxiety, fear etc.
  • Social; like family issues and marriage problems

If analysed, properly, you will find that your problems are attached to one of these reasons only. Hence, if that particular issue is nor removed on time, then we see many associated problems later on.

These are all tools used to remove mental pressure up to an extent only. However, subconscious mind therapy is essential for best results in addition to these tools. We, at Our Brain Our Life, practice the perfect intermix of all of them.

We have prepared modules as per our clients’ specific requirements. Any additional tools as mentioned in the Query No 7, can be added in a module. In addition, we also use electroencephalographic instruments.
At Our Brain Our Life, we offer a holistic solution towards helping you in every possible way. We do sharpen to sparkle.

Yes, definitely. We all know prevention is better than cure. We can certainly include preventive modules that is best suitable for your need.