Relationship Counseling


                                      Relationship Counseling 

                                        समाने शोभते प्रीति राज्ञि सेवा च शोभते।
                                    वाणिज्यं व्यवहारेषु स्त्री दिव्या शोभते गृहे।।

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Against the popular belief, Relationships are not the end point of a journey. It is a new journey in itself and like any other journey that anyone has ever taken, it has its own ups and downs.

 It mostly our perception, acceptance and patience that defines how the journey's ups and downs are going to affect us.

We've all been there. While in any relationship, at times we've happiness and enjoyment while during other times burdened and tried. A simple advice has always been to focus on the happiness and enjoyment while try to work outwards positively from within the burdens.

 But it's easier said than done, right? We know that these burdens tend to bring out the worst in us maybe even becoming a cause of conflicts in the relationship.

From a psychological point of view, we will try to discuss the main reasons for said conflicts. In order for a healthy relationship to continue being healthy, we generally follow the two-step theory.

The first step -

A conflict in a relationship starts almost always when we try to hold the smaller things in life inside us. Absorbing and not expressing or trying to "let go" by taking a positive and corrective action. 

At some point or the other, we reach our limits of holding back and absorbing everything. That limit when crossed, is when we explode (and internally shatter). 

This outburst or explosion confuses our partner and, in that confusion, they tend to focus on the outburst or explosion and neglect everything that led us to that point. This is the precise point where the conflicts start.

The thing is, we need to understand that holding back in a relationship while waiting for the right time to express yourself is the wrong way to go about it. Between our partner and us every moment of conversation is the right time to bring things up and to let things out.

This isn't just for personal relationships. This is a part of every relationship that one develops throughout their lives be it, friends, office colleagues, spouse etc.

The second step -
A little more relatable but equally important is that we need to be able to avoid Ego related issues. Ego has been known in relationships to make people stubborn, unresponsive, drawn-back and even downright aggressive. 

We are generally smart enough to figure how and when to void Ego but there always parts of a relationship when we slip, causing us to not be able to considerate enough. 

Please do understand, when are being considerate we are not losing ourselves to the needs of our partners we are just trying to be there for them.
Using the above theory and the steps defined therein, we know we can have a much healthier and a wholesome relationship.

One known example from our Indian heritage is of Guru Dronacharya. One day he decided to bring a cow for his children. He promised his wife that he would bring back the cow with him and left for towards friend Drupada. 

Drupada, unfortunately, refused to give him the cow and Guru Dronacharya, in his Ego decided to stay and win over his friend Drupada to finally bring home the cow.

In his Ego, he lost the time he could have spent with his family. He lost the time when his children grew up and he lost the beautiful moments of his relationship with his wife.

Why did this happen? Because he didn't follow the two-step theory and the steps defined therein.

The cost of suffering is always higher than the cost of not letting the Ego get in the way and the cost of holding back until the point of outburst combined.
Follow the theory with the two defined steps and try to make your relationship hearty and reliable.

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